Sunday, March 20, 2005

Mercury in Retrograde??

Well, the good news is that Uncle Mike's kayaking buddy Jackie loaned him her Kodak digital camera till he figures out what he's going to do about his dead putz Nikon camera. So now he can take great pics of me again.

The bad news is now Picasa, his image viewing software, won't post any more pics to my blog cause the putz BloggerBot, whatever that is, hangs every time he tries to post a pic. Uncle Mike swears a lot, but he's been cussin up a storm lately and I'm picking up some great lingo! So hang in there while Uncle Mike figures this mess out, or Mercury comes out of Retrograde.

Uncle Mike says retrograde means of or relating to the brief, regularly occurring, apparently backward movement of a planetary body in its orbit as viewed against the fixed stars, caused by the differing orbital velocities of Earth and the body observed. In other words, ass backwards.

I'm learnin all kinds of stuff today. Uncle Mike said if I want to follow in Dad's foot steps I'm gonna have to step up to the plate and learn lots of stuff, like triggernometry, calculuzt and differential equestrians. I can't wait. Maybe someday I'll get to wear glasses and my friends will call me four eyes!


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